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By Aaron Brown


The following article will appear in the September/October edition of The NISCA Journal:


“How do you play water polo in a pool that's not great for playing water polo?” - Anonymous


I asked a respected high school coach in Illinois: "I have no trick for working with deep-shallow pools. We use the shallow end to demonstrate, then varsity practices in the deep end and JV stays shallow."


I quickly compiled a list of things that schools and teams typically do in order to make water polo work no matter the setting:


1. Use the shallow end to demonstrate and swim, deep end to scrimmage.


2. Have varsity practice in the deep end while JV practices in the shallow end.


3. Use staggered practice times to allow boys and girls teams to play in an all-deep pool.


4. Hold practice before school or at later times in the evening.


5. Schedule contests and attend tournaments at facilities that have all-deep pools.


6. Utilize dryland and weight training activities when pool time is not available.


7. Share facilities when regular pool time is not available.


8. Form Co-op teams so players from multiple schools can participate at one facility.


9. Use unconventional options. Shallow-deep pools. Narrow, 4-5 lane pools. Outdoor pools. Homemade goals.


10. Think outside the box. When the goal is to try and provide water polo opportunities no matter the circumstances…nearly any pool will do!


Can you think of any other advice for future water polo parents? Please send an e-mail to if you would like to comment and possibly be included in a future article.





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